English Language
English Language
Head of Department |
Mdm Haniza
Senior Teacher |
Dr Chin Yoke Mui
We aim to
inculcate in every child a love for reading and an appreciation of a variety of genres.
nurture pupils to become confident speakers and writers in a language-enriched environment.
develop in pupils thinking skills to make critical judgements necessary for the globalised world.
1. Strategies for English Language Learning And Reading (STELLAR)
The STELLAR Curriculum aims to:
strengthen both language and reading skills as well as promote a positive attitude towards reading in the foundational years through a variety of learner-centred and developmentally appropriate pedagogical approaches using age-appropriate authentic children's literature.
The STELLAR pedagogic model for lower primary is made up of three major teaching strategies:
Shared Book Approach (SBA)
Modified Language Experience Approach (MLEA)
Learning Centres (LC)
The STELLAR pedagogic model for upper primary is made up of three major teaching strategies:
Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) (Supported Reading, KWL, Retelling)
Writing Process Cycle (WPC)
Differentiated Instruction (DI)
2. EL Fiesta
The Language Fiesta, a month-long event featuring a variety of activities, is organised to help pupils to learn the English Language in a fun way. It is in line with the national Speak Good English Movement, with the objective of encouraging pupils to use grammatically correct English that is universally understood. Throughout April, all pupils are involved in a host of engaging EL activities at every level to raise awareness of the importance of English Language, and encourage pupils to continue to speak and write standard English throughout the year.
Various fun and meaningful activities are organised, which include Oratorical Contest, Reader's Theatre, Choral Reading, Spelling Bee, quizzes and games. English game booths, designed and conducted by the EL Club members and EL Ambassadors feature fun language games for the pupils to play during recess.
Characters from popular children’s books also come alive, such as Pinocchio and Little Red Riding Hood, as they mingle among the Peiying students and converse about their storybook roles.
3. Extended Reading Programme
A variety of interesting books have been provided for all levels in the school. These books are found in the classroom library corners, where the English Ambassadors will coordinate the loaning of books borrowed.
The programme is pegged with the TicTacToe reading activity, which encourages pupils to complete a set of connection activities. These connection activities (such as designing a poster of the book read and writing a letter to the main character) are designed to provide differentiation for learning abilities and interests of pupils.
4. Little Red Dot
The subscription of the newspaper The Straits Times and its supplement, Little Red Dot, ensure that P4 & P5 pupils are exposed to current affairs and expository writing throughout the year.
There is an enhancement of grammar and vocabulary through exposure to the various articles targeted at the primary school pupils. National Education messages are also infused into the EL lessons through the discussion of topics highlighted in every issue.
5. Let's Read Programme
The Reading Programme gives exposure to P1, P2 and P3 pupils to a wide variety of text types, such as storybooks and magazines. It promotes reading and fosters a love of books and literature through motivating stories.
6. Media Resource Library (MRL) - READ @ Peiying
READ @ Peiying refers to Reading Extensively Aids UnDerstanding both in and out of the classrooms. The MRL believes in the whole-school approach to develop a school-wide reading culture, so students would need access to a wide variety of books and school-wide programmes, and initiatives should be made available with a structured time set aside to allow for reading for pleasure.
These initiatives include
providing ERP books for their class libraries
Pocket-Size Programmes on various genres
Guest Readers who conduct storytelling for P1 to P3
Organising a Mobile Library every month at the canteen
The school also partners with public libraries to conduct reading activities.
7. Collaborations
As part of the school’s whole school approach to develop to a school-wide reading culture, it collaborates with the National Library Board (NLB) to promote a love for reading.
Among the activities conducted throughout the year are:
Book 2 Go – Mass Borrowing of books
Book Buzz – Book talks conducted by librarians during assembly
Storytelling sessions by the librarians for P1 to P3 classes
Book Bugs
Reading Interest Profile
Read Rail
Teachers’ Workshop - storytelling techniques, NLB’s eResources, eBooks
The school also collaborates with other schools in the cluster to conduct workshops for students such as digital storytelling using software such as Newsmaker.
8. Intervention Programmes
(a) Learning Support Programme (LSP)
It is an early intervention programme aimed at providing additional support
to students who enter Primary 1 lacking developmentally appropriate English
language and literacy skills. Its objective is to equip these students
with basic reading and spelling skills.
(b) Reading Remediation Programme (RRP)
The Reading Remediation Programme (RRP) is an additional literacy support
programme implemented at P3 and P4 to support students with reading difficulties
but who do not have dyslexia.
(c) School Dyslexic Remediation (SDR)
The School-based Dyslexia Remediation (SDR) Programme enables students
to become strategic decoders and spellers, flexible in the use of different
strategies. It equips students with decoding and spelling strategies, and
internalise these strategies which they would use through practice.
9. P3 and P4 Enrichment Programme
With the aim of promoting oracy among students, the English department conducted several enrichment workshops for Primary 3 and Primary 4 students.
Primary 3 students were engaged in Readers’ Theatre, which helped them to learn to express themselves appropriately, confidently, clearly, eloquently and expressively. They were also taught a variety of vocal techniques to present their stories.
Primary 4 students had the opportunity to do Public Speaking, which helped them to learn the right public speaking skills in order to become an empathetic and effective communicator. The workshop also helped them gain confidence and motivation in delivering a narrative through positive reinforcement.
1) Speak Good English Movement
4) Peiying Primary School Library
5) School eResource Repository
Peiying Readers Card Templates
Click on the image below to download a copy of the Peiying Readers Card Templates